How to properly treat worms from the child

All parents worry, how to treat worms of the child, if there is a high probability of being infected by them? After all, the children restless and skills of personal care which they are missing in pre-school age. Therefore, any mother want to protect your child from all kind of parasites to enter the body through washing of hands.

It is easier to teach a child the time to wash your hands, fruits and vegetables before consumption. How to be, if they are present the symptoms worm infestations have a child? The treatment is essentially happening in the house. But, you should definitely visit your pediatrician or infectious diseases, immunologist, allergist, pointing out the symptoms, to talk about their suspicions. The doctor will perform a physical examination and prescribe examinations, the results of which and will be check out the corresponding medicines.

How to properly treat worms from the child

What to do when there is suspicion of infection?

The treatment can be drug method and recipes of folk medicine. The most appropriate form of medicine that that will have on drug activity only to the fact of a parasite, which is detected in the patient. Your doctor will be picked up by a medicine effective against the know disabilities of the helminth ova.

The whole group anthelmintic drug has on the body of a man, a strong toxic effect, therefore, its use should be justified and without the appointment of a doctor to use them is not recommended, as this is dangerous.

Drugs against intestinal worms are safe only in the case of compliance with dosing accurate.

The doctor can prescribe the dosage not as it is specified in the instruction, but it will meet the body of a patient. In a single dose, you will be seated based on age, weight, health status and the degree of invasion of the patient.

Qualified, the diagnosis may spend only a doctor

When severe worm infestations, the physician must issue the full treatment, in which will be present some medicines used in the queue with interruptions.

The tool of the parasites have a number of contraindications: can not be used by pregnant women and lactating mothers, children with problems in the functioning of the nervous system, diseases of the blood, liver, kidneys, cancer pathology, and Dr.

The treatment of intestinal worms in children

If the diagnosis of helminthiasis was delivered to one of the members of the family, the treatment is totally the whole family. Dealing with worms and Ascaris in different ages and in any degree of infestation of drugs, as discussed below. The list of tools will start with the more harmless and to end the more efficient and productive, a mixture of a wide spectrum of action.

Suspension for indoor application

The drug has a narrow spectrum of action, only active against Ascaris and worms. It does not kill them, but only hangs, which facilitates their exit to the outside. Components of the medicine block the functioning of the neuromuscular system of the parasites, but exclusively for adults. The eggs and larvae, it does not negate. As well as the drugs only paralyzes the Ascaris, and does not kill them, so, in this case toxic are substances secreted when mortifications, will not poison the body of the patient, and the stationary eddy are shown together with the stool.

There are innocuous and poorly-doses of toxic drugs to destroy worms in children, women during the period of the carriage by the child and in the period of breastfeeding. This reasonably-priced amenities effective, with a slight infection. But in the case of a heavy infection, Enterobius, this tool will be useful enough. It is worth taking it in such situations, it will solve your doctor. The drug can cause the following side effects: nausea, diarrhea, headache, pain in the stomach. In the case of an admission when the kidney failure may develop tremor, partial loss of vision, weakness, and delusional state.


The de-worming medication a broad spectrum of action mebendazole

The mechanism of action of drugs with mebendazole blocks the inter-cellular metabolism, which leads to death of the helminths. Active kills the adults, larvae and eggs. Such medicines are highly efficient and powerful. To destroy worms in children, it is used in severe cases. During treatment may develop serious negative reactions: it can dry out the mucous membrane of the mouth, due to which develops stomatitis, components of the medicine may cause disorders of the digestive system until the hepatitis, sleep disturbances, headaches and dizziness, convulsions, decreased visual acuity, fever, rash and irritation.

Recipes of traditional medicine

At home treat helmintíases not only drug, but use the popular methods of therapy. Is preparations of medicinal plants:

  1. To view worms in children at home, you should apply the onion. In the evening, grate 1 medium onion. Pour her a glass of boiled water and insist night. The next morning, all of them drink a sip of fasting. Composition drunk, within 10 days. The tool effectively against worms and Ascaris.
  2. Worms in children will brew 1 head of garlic in the milk. You need to clean the head of garlic and pour her a glass of hot milk with a little bit of a boil. Then cool and strain. In the night place the child enema with this decoction, it will be enough for 0,5 cup. Do the procedure it must be all the days during the week.
  3. At home you can get rid of the belt of the parasite, with the help of this scheme: you first need to give fasting 100 g of pumpkin seeds peeled, over 1 hour of drinking a glass of warm milk with a baked head of garlic, about a half hour after taking a laxative. After 2 hours of doing the enema with the warm decoction of water, and heads of garlic.
  4. Birch kidney
  5. Help bring worms in children and birch kidney. Your need for production of beer and take ½ cup twice a day. Treatment course of 7 days. It is a tool not only to eliminate the helmintíasea, but and strengthen the immunity.
  6. Pumpkin seeds are ideal for the treatment of intestinal worms in children. Need to the day to eat 12 cups cleaned fresh beans pumpkin. Therefore, be able to clean the entire body.
  7. Infusion partitions walnut and is a good method of eliminating intestinal worms in house, improving the metabolism and increases the defenses. You should take 2 St. l. membranes are dry, sprinkle them with 250 ml of boiling water. Tight and cover with to insist hour. The child should drink the fourth cup of the infusion twice per day, consumed over the course of two weeks.
  8. A good tool to get rid of pests at home - bag for the children. Packaging 10 bags of tea with the powder. Color tansy common herb artemisia bitter, buttons, stud. Treat worms in children this method with 3 years of age, dissolve 1 package in 50 ml of water. Accept 30 minutes before a meal 2 times per day.

In any case, the beginning of the therapy, when helmintíasee should be consistent with your doctor. The treatment is assigned to all of the family, in severe cases, and integrated.